Junior Web Developer

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Resume Area


Programming Languages_

Javascript/Typescript, C#, Java, Swift, Kotlin


HTML, CSS, SQL, MongoDB, PostGreSQL, VS-code, Git, Github, Gitlab, MacOS, Windows, Linux


React, Next.js, Angular, Express, .NET, Auth.js, Zod, Node.js, TailwindCSS, Sass, Drizzle, Prisma

Work & Experience


Web developer at “Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG)”, active development of web applications to relieve various tasks of company employees


Fullstack CRUD Applications in multiple frameworks (Next.js, Angular, .NET)


Design Laws, gestalt principles, modern UI Design with TailwindCSS


Shell scripting (bash, zsh, Powershell), algorithms und data structures, ISO-OSI layer-model Protocolls, UML Diagrams, GraphQL, AWS, Scrum


Developed journaling application called “Yournal“ for personal using to avoid paid models, build with Next.js App Router and newest technologies like Clerk and Drizzle

Implemented a gesture-based voice-controlled drawing application written in processing to show the possibilities of human computer interaction

Engineered applications in Next.js and Angular to solve admin problems as part of abroad semester in Aarhus

Constructed a talking mirror as an IOT device with communication via the MQTT protocol, sensors and connection to LLM, with microphone and speaker

Coded a cocktail Application in Kotlin with the new Jetpack-Compose Framework



German (native), English (fluent), Danish (basics), Turkish (basics)

since 2021_

Studying media-based computer science at Berliner Hochschule für Technik, German Grade System: 1.4, US Grade System: 3.6


Semester abroad in Aarhus/Denmark to improve social-cultural knowledge